
Stranger In A Strange Land.

Sucre I


01-15-2014, 07:22 PM
Carlito "Sucre" Dalibor

The brute sat down hard, crimson eyes fixed pointedly on the top of the wall. He snorted, stood up and backed up a couple of steps. Sucre's ears twitched and flopped around like they were trying to make a break for it; the pair moving in time with his annoyed thoughts. He'd followed the Wall for at least a mile looking for a low spot or a break and so far there'd been nothing, absolutely freakin' nothing. All he wanted was to be on the other side. Nothing more. Was he asking too much? From a wall, maybe. ...but surely not from himself.

His ears stopped twitching to rest firmly pointed forward. He took a couple more steps back...and then a few more. The wall was high, but perhaps not too high. This seemed like a prime spot too, as his ears detected the soft tones of two faes conversing. Perfect. All he needed now was a grand entrance to really impress them.

He still didn't think he was far enough back to get a good run at it, so the brute backed up until he was sure. There. At this distance he had more than enough space to pick up speed. Ready. Sucre tensed. Set. His legs bent, allowing him to assume the start position. Go! The brute's nails dug into the ground as he took off; his first steps kicking up clods of mud and stealing some of his momentum. Nevertheless, his poor start wasn't about to stop him. Sucre's strides ate up the ground and in seconds he was at the Wall. He crouched down, legs coiling neatly under him, and sprang up, hitting the wall a few feet short of the top. From there momentum and luck saw him through. He half climbed, half walked to the top; his claws digging into its uneven surface and casting down bits of grit.

BOOM! That's right, that's right! He was on top of the wall. The top. Like a friggin' cat. Inside he was giddy, outside he was chill. There were ladies nearby. He grinned down at the two wolves, looking all too pleased with himself despite his efforts to appear otherwise. Bowing grandly, he greeted the two lovely wolves. "Hello," his voice was a purr, and beneath its obvious purpose it was laced with warm humor. "Sucre the Magnificent at your disposal."