
In-Law Time



01-15-2014, 11:27 PM

When Sibelle voiced her personal desire of being a mother, Maija knew it was a lot for the female to say. It didn't usually happen for the russet-furred babe. Being able to open up a bit like a clam in the water was a big improvement from when the two first met. The Romanian wolf would take anything her sister-in-law gave her and she didn't mind if it was a small amount of information or the biggest wagon of feelings in the world. Sibelle was slowly becoming a big part of her life, even if she didn't realize it.
Maija gave Sibelle one of her rare smiles and a hint of truth was evident in her green opts when she looked at her. "I will be excited and supportive when that day comes around, Sibelle. You will be a wonderful mother." She didn't know when that day would arrive, but the gold lady would be sure to be supportive for her sister just as Sibelle was on that fateful day her litter was born.
They continued to stroll along the beach and Maija's anxiety receded. She was enjoying the time being spent with Sibelle and didn't want it to end. An idea sank into her mind and she snorted lightly before saying, "Sibelle...I have yet to see another part of the island a part from what surrounds our den. What lies beyond there?" She nodded her head to the left in the direction of a bundle of trees that seemed to grow from the same trunk. Curiosity had come a-callin' for Maija and she was inclined to accept its hand.
