
An Unfortunate Wrong Turn



8 Years
01-16-2014, 11:49 AM

A strange scent reached the pale wolf, causing her pelt to bristle in alarm. It was nothing she'd scented before, but had very vague similarities to the scent left by the big cat who resided in Tortuga territory. Different, though, much as a fox smells differently than a wolf. She was no tracker, to be so sensitive as to know more than that.

Qanik kept to her same pace despite the instinct to flee the unknown predator, neither stopping nor quickening her steps. There was no point in a panic, and she would gain nothing by flailing blindly into the trees. Her nose quivered, but that heavy fog made it seem that scent was all around her - she could not pinpoint where it came from. She went on the alert, though, thick ears rotating constantly to pick up any noise in the foggy underbrush surrounding her. No unusual sound reached her, so the sudden smooth voice rolling from the fog was even more startling. A male voice, with a strange quality to it she'd never heard in a wolf, though the unknown scent had already told her this was no wolf.

"Neither," she retorted to the unseen male, "I am just passing through on my way home." Her low voice was smooth, betraying no nervousness. "I have friends waiting for me just outside the forest." A lie, or at least a truth stretched right to the limit since Tortuga was indeed somewhere on the other side of the forest, but one intended to make it seem she was not as alone as she truly was if this male, whatever he was, proved hostile. Experienced warrior she may be, but Qanik always preferred a more non-confrontational approach first, and she had no idea what manner of beast she was dealing with.
