
Yours & Mine



5 Years
Extra large
01-16-2014, 03:53 AM

Sneaky woman. She knew it would be difficult for him to find her with his disability. But he didn't hold it against her, knowing that it was all in good fun. He would listen quietly, tattered ears rotating this way and that, listening to the quiet splashing of the water, waiting to hear his wife surface from the water. Form was tense, knees slightly bent in anticipation, part of him suspecting that his wife would try and come up behind him to surprise him. And she did. Only she didn't come up from behind him. A sudden splash of water would be heard and felt from in front of him as his wife suddenly appeared on the bank of the pond. The titan would jolt slightly from her sudden appearance, taking seconds to compose himself as he dipped his muzzle towards her, relieved to feel her kisses and the gentle nibble for his ear. Come and get me if you can. And then she was gone once more.

Had the titan not lost his sight, he would've jumped right into the pool after her and already subdued her, but now that he couldn't see where he placed his paws, the man was more hesitant to go head-long into anything, especially water. A pathetic whine would slip from his clamped jaws as he paced back and forth at the edge of the pond. He tried dipping his paws into the water, but it felt like it was much too far and he would pull back to pace again, ears folding against his skull, tail lashing with anxiety at his hocks. Would she come back and help him get into the pond with her or would he have to figure out how to get to her?

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