



6 Years
01-16-2014, 07:37 AM

Demoted. The word certainly stung especially as she went on to explain the reason had nothing to do with their skills or involvement within the pack. Though the drop wasn't really much for the man, nor was it only he to receive it, it still brought forth a painfully striking resemblance to his sudden demotion in his birth pack. The new ranks were fine enough, things had not been changed too greatly which only made matters worse, others were likely feeling the same though such a thought barely registered in Iorwerth's mind. Silently he sat through the remainder of the meeting, the mentorship barely catching his attention.

Iorwerth had never really been around children much, certainly hadn't guided them in learning anything. He had his own set of skills of course, though could he honestly teach another? He hadn't previously known about the mentorship program here, never had the opportunity to give it further thought. It would of course be assisting the pack in some form, a good deed if it was actually worth anything anymore. He would think about it, he after all had been in such a clueless position as the pups once.

At that it seemed that the floor would be opened for questions and suggestions. The first to speak was Squall, his fellow esquire, or formally now he supposed. The words certainly didn't help to ease Iorwerth's bitterness though, requesting the rank even higher than his previous one mere moments after the entire pack had faced a demotion. Of course Iorwerth had been out of touch with the pack life with his illness but what made Squall more suitable for the rank than himself, than others?

"Queen Loccian" Iorwerth spoke up once Maverick had finished with his words. Though still highly unimpressed with the news, his voice and stance certainly didn't demonstrate this fact. "Would it not be more beneficial for the structure of the Kingdom to simply determine which area should be specialised in for the higher ranked members rather than demoting them all? You must have felt them suitable to hold their former titles, so surely it is possible to reallocate them to a new rank at the same level." A rather wise move he felt in speaking for the entire pack rather than the protection of his own position in the kingdom.

"Neverless, if I am able, I wish to assist with the mentoring system." Perhaps only offering now out of competitiveness; he wished to prove his own worth after all. Of course though not knowing the children of the pack, he had no preferences as to who he would possibly be his apprentice.