
Apologies [open]


03-19-2013, 12:39 PM

He noticed the faint familiarity of the scent, and though begrudgingly, it was enough for the elder to rise to his pads and move across the terrain to find her. Of course, it had taken him a fair minute and upon his arrival he was made aware that Leon, his cousin and the lead warrior of Valhalla, had beaten him. It certainly did well in his book. Leon was becoming the prime example of an Adravendi. Cairo was proud.

His azure gaze would shift to the woman, it had taken him a moment, but before long memories came running back to him. He would nod his head to her, a faint murmur of her name and the lord would recline to his tired haunches. "Synestro is no longer with us, Asheni. He took off...I thought his loyalty was undeniable, though clearly I was wrong. You were just enough for him to leave us," It was not necessarily in malice that he spoke, though, there was a bit of bite to his lyrics, though, the edge was not meant for her. She had come to grips with what she had done wrong, and Cairo was not the judge of those that did things. He was merely a wolf made to guide others.