


01-16-2014, 11:13 AM

Destruction's gaze, on occasion, would travel to the members filing in for the meeting. Faces and names she did not know... but pack mates. Family. They were not by blood, but the woman was seeing them more and more for what they were. Gaze would travel to Celeste, the young pup she had spent a short time exploring. Already the dark woman was fond of the young girl. She wanted to call out a greeting to her, but now was not the time. Instead her crimson ringed gaze wolf shift to Loccian as the gray-blue queen would start the Seracian meeting.

The meeting would begin with Loccian introducing the young of the pack. At the mention of Tahlia's children, her godchildren, the black and crimson fae would look over at them all, flashing a warm smile of approval. They were growing so fast, learning to explore and roam. Her gaze would then shift to Tahlia. She made a promise to herself to meet with the woman sometime after the meeting. It had been a little while since the two femmes had sat down and talked with each other just for the sake of having a conversation. There was also something that Destruction wished to ask Tahlia about. A search for advice.

Next came the announcement of Maverick and Epiphron's pups. At least the younger ones that were mentioned. Des didn't know the boys, having not met them, so she did not know which one was which. But she knew Celeste well enough. Then Loccian would introduce her only litter, another set with children she couldn't identify, though she was able to pick out the only girl of course. The female made a note to herself to get to know the heirs of her kingdom better. They were all very young... but an introduction at some point couldn't hurt.

Next Loccian would move onto a few members in particular. A new members as well as some returned pack mates. She recognized Bronze, and, with a frown, she would see his son Mercury as well. Originally Mercury had been assigned to her as an apprentice when Maverick was king... but when the woman went to look for the boy he was nowhere to be found. Oh well... there was little she could do about that. It was in the past, and whether the boy had simply chosen not to accept her as a mentor or some other fate had occurred it mattered not now. The dark female would also notice how, when the Queen spoke of her brother, there was not a massive amount of warmth as she felt there probably should have been. The woman would raise a brow with confusion, but stay silent for now.

Now the true meeting would begin. The reason for their gathering revealed. All of them were being demoted. Now this didn't affect Destruction like it did some of her fellow packmates. Some had worked to prove their worth to the pack already... but she could understand and respect Loccian's decision on this. The structure would remain fairly similar with the inner workings of the pack, however names would be changed for the ranks. The queen would apologize for all the new information, but there was yet a bit more to be announced. The mentoring system. It sounded like a rather good plan in her opinion.

The first to speak would be a tricolor brute. She didn't know him hardly, though she had seen him at the previous meeting. He requested the chance at a higher rank, which she thought wasn't such a bad thing. Those who were bold and confident in their skills should be welcome to try for such positions. Her gaze would then shift to Maverick, offering a suggestion for territory expansion, as well as his services as a mentor. Others would remain silent, and Destruction prepared herself to speak, until another male would speak. Her gaze would turn to him, raising to her paws.

His words would stir something in the female. A flicker of agitation that would show in her crimson ringed eyes, though her voice would be level and calm, and her muscled form would show no hostility towards the pack member. The female would speak, voice cutting in before Loccian would have a chance to answer this brute.

"Fellow Seracian, I can say with the utmost certain that though these changes seem strange they will be beneficial to Seracia and it's structure. Perhaps you fear change, perhaps many of us do, but these are times of change. We should not look at being demoted, even if from a higher rank, as something to be frowned upon. To feel as if we did not earn the ranks we once wore. If we are truly deserving of high ranks than those placed in them will once more shine with brilliance and show that they deserve to hold them." Personally wolves being relocated wasn't such a bad idea. Skills could change. Others might better suit the position. Playing favorites in a pack, simply because they proved worth some time ago, shouldn't be allowed. They all had to pull their weight.

With this piece spoken to the male the dark woman would turn her gaze to Loccian, dipping her head respectfully to the Queen. In just the short amount of time she had really gotten to know the other she wolf it was clear that the muscled woman had a lot of faith and trust in her.

"As far as requesting a rank goes I have no prefrence. All I know, and I am aware of is my will and duty to serve Seracia with my entire being, wherever I am needed. Any rank I am tested for will receive nothing less than full and best effort." The dark woman would lift her head with confidence. She knew Loccian would test her where she thought she would fit best. "As far as mentoring goes I am more than willing to take on any of the children of Seracia, and welcome any and all to join in on lessons, whether they are classified as my apprentice or not. As for my official apprentices I have requests of my own, should the children choose to accept me. The first I would like to request is any of Tahlia's children... and the second is a young wolfess who has already revealed to me she has quite the intelligent mind. I would like to request that Celeste become my apprentice."

"Speech" Think