
This Is Only Part Two



6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-16-2014, 11:17 AM

Water clung to him like the hand of the devil as he returned to his haven. The place he sought for solitude and new comfort. He had taken a young girl as his own merely two days ago, and she was a beauty. Clamped in his jaws was a fairly fat rabbit, a gift for his trophy. He was sure she would be hungry, and although he was the darkest of demons he would not neglect the health and wellbeing of those he took under his wing. She was still afraid, fearful of him. But since that day he had not threatened her nor her life. He brought her here instead, to train her away from prying eyes. But it would seem that somehow, his trail would be followed. Good. He wanted someone to know, someone to discover that he would do as he pleased regardless of whether or not he was a pack wolf or a rogue. He was Sin...And there was nothing that would change that.

Sharpened claws sunk into the windswept sands, body pulled forward towards the lair he chose for the pair to reside. Arietta had been kind enough to make a den large enough for the pair to accommodate themselves within its pits. And for that he would reward her soon for her efforts. For she was not simply a toy nor trophy on display...she was his. And his alone. He claimed her, took her as his mate for the planned future, and yet even with such plans brewing in his mind, he would do well to take care of her and train her. She was younger then himself after all, and had much to learn.

The scent of the suspect would become stronger as soon as Sin left the beaches. His suspicions of the visitor apparent, and his maw would slide into a grin as the unmistakable figure came into view. The words that spewed from the pink toned jaws of his visitor made his chest heave with silent laughter, the words of interrogation reaching his ears. The blood stained male passed Isardis without so much as a glance until he stood at the side of his lovely prize. The rabbit placed on the floor in front of her as he stood on her left. He offered a slight sign of affection upon her ear, a nuzzle if one were watching. "I've brought you food, eat up my lovely." He would whisper in her ear before turning his reknowned gaze of venom on the albino. His gaze was always intense like that of a rattlesnake no matter the situation or whom it was. The boy stood tall as he looked at the somewhat sodden male.

"It is not nice to intrude and interrogate someone who holds no information for you nor anyone else." He purred, a half smile curling on blood stained lips. "I see you've managed to chase down my trail, which was expected. If I did not want you to find out I could have easily hidden the trail, but as it is, welcome to my chosen place. My lovely wife and I, have chosen this spot for training in solitude before she was presented. But it seems you've chosen to spoil the surprise. What brings you here? Surely there is a reason for you to have chased down my trail." Sin cared not what the other had to say. He cared not whether he remained within the ranks or out. His father seemed to not care about him anyway, for although he was the blood of the king, he had never been treated as such and for that, Sin didn't care to remain in the pack of unjust figures.

Attention was put to the test. The king had previously seemed to threaten his wife and yet he thought better of it. Sin would not take kindly to such acts, but he would not waste his time with a fight...he had much better things to occupy his time with.
