


01-16-2014, 01:41 PM (This post was last modified: 01-16-2014, 02:28 PM by Flamesong.)

here to relive your darkest moments

Flamesong loved his new home very much. He had anything he could possibly need, right in front of his nose. His herb stockpile had grown immensely since his arrival in Valhalla, yet he knew that it was still incomplete. In his travels to the new island terra they had passed an old rundown orchard that had once been run by humans. He hadn't been certain, but thought that perhaps he would be able to find grapevines growing there. He had encountered human gardens in the past that had contained these plants and he had known them to be quite good for bellyaches and indigestion.

His silver fur rippled in the wind as he trotted at a quick pace towards the sweet smelling place. Amber eyes squinted in delight at the scent of fresh apples and various other fruits. He wondered why the humans would be so careless to leave their herbs this way. He could never imagine cultivating an entire area to your liking just to leave it shortly after; it was madness!

The man shook his head and smiled. Their loss, and his for the taking.

He arrived on the border of the sweet smelling terra and stopped. Beneath the scent of flowers and fruits was the scent of another wolf. A female. Flamesong continued forward with caution, his pawsteps light and senses completely alert in case of an attack. She smelled like Tortuga, and Flamesong racked his brain, trying to remember if Tortuga was an enemy of Valhalla. He could not recall...

Silently, Flamesong allowed his senses to lead hom through the orchard towards the herbs that he required, feeling grateful when he found wild grapevine growing around the roots of an appletree. He raised his eyes briefly to the heavens to thank his ancestors and then started digging them up by the root. He redirected his focus only when he noticed the she-wolf he had sensed earlier, dozing under a tree nearby. His amber eyes squinted slightly. She didn't appear to be any danger to him...but there was no way to be sure. He decided to approach her.

"Excuse me, miss? " he called out to her. He realized just then how pretty she looked, with pure and unblemished ivory fur covering her entire body. A smile grew lightly on his maw.

it's always darkest before the dawn[FLAMESONG ETHEREO]