
Hróðvitnisson family


01-16-2014, 05:55 PM
Parents: Hr??vitnir x Anglea
Name: Akemi Miu Hr??vitnisdottir
Age: 1 Year {Born Summer}
Personality: Small? Hah! Who gives a damn? Akemi, despite her size, is a confident and cocky female who loves power. She is a bit twisted in her belief that only her brothers can make suitable children, and aims to castrate as many men of the world as possible. Finding love? Oh now that is going to be a challenge. This woman here has an cold heart, not caring much for the idea of raising a litter of young. However slightly older pups, especially those with the potential of power, capture her interest. She is one constantly training and picking fights to attempt to better her skills. She can have a rather insulting personality, and loves to torture others mentally and physically. Akemi will stop at nothing working to gain her goals, even if it means murdering, lying, and cheating to get what she wants. Far from innocent,the only ones who can trust this female not to do something to them is her family. She respects her older brothers and wishes, listening only to them. She does have a soft spot for Baldur, but doesn't openly admit it and covers it up by making fun of him. Her idol is Hati, and she would love nothing more than see her eldest brother as the leader of a very large, powerful pack, with her serving as his most loyal little sister. As for fear? Akemi fears no one at all, and makes it well known by taking on any challenger willing to fight her.
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Size and Weight: 23'' and 55lbs {Literally small as possible.}
RP sample:

Heh, how he screamed. The small yearling stepped back from the other wolf about her age, watching as he writhed on the ground. Blood stained her maw and, just a few feet away, lay the mangled remains of the brute's manhood. Her red eyes gleamed with pleasure as she stood over him. If he had been standing over her, well, he'd be the one that was taller. The female was a tiny little thing but fierce, and she had proved it to this male who dared try to come after her and persuade her to go home.

"Aww... poor baby... does it hurt?" Her voice was mocking, dripping with amusement at the poor male's pain. The female would start to smile, a small thing, that would spread into a large grin. It hadn't taken much at all. A good snap, a good tug... her body gave a spasm of pleasure. She saw purpose in this... new found talent. Dark tipped toes would brush against the chest fur of the male.

"I could kill you... but... I think I'll leave you like this. If you manage to live, well, I'm sure you'll remember me, won't you?" Akemi would turn, starting off down the path. She had no idea where she was going, but she had a goal set in her mind. Hati, her idol, her eldest brother, had left the pack, along with Baldur, Loki, and Thor. It had been news that hadn't made the female too happy. Her idols all disappearing like that... and... leaving... she made a disgusted face. Leaving their pathetic uncle as alpha. Unacceptable.

She was going to find them... and... come hell or high water... Hati was going to become the alpha he deserved to be. Even if the small female had to form the very pack of followers for him herself... as well as put a few... unpleasant nuisances in their place along the way. After all... the only worthy wolves were those directly related to her blood.
