
fresh air



4 Years
01-16-2014, 10:20 PM

Narsha?s whole life had been consumed by her boys, the lights of her life. Once she had believed that she would never love anything as much as she loved herself but that had changed with the arrival of her little angles. Now she would give anything for them? and yet she was slowly coming to terms with the fact that they were growing, and growing more distant with that. Kyung was still friendly enough and returned to her with a smile and a nuzzle, but his brother? She frowned at the through of her troubled son. He had become more quiet, less inclined to play than his darker brother. It troubled her.
Still she was slowly discovering that there was little she could do for them right now, as they grew more independent the less they seemed to listen to her, and so she was forced to return slowly to her previous life. She had not missed it, not really. Yes she missed the fun and the sex but she was slowly coming to the realization that her life before had been rather? lonely. Cream colored paws carried her beyond the central pack lands, deep amber orbs watching as the trees began to grow thicker and taller, their trunks bending in towards each other some. A howl pierced the vixen?s thoughts and she hurried her pace some, searching for the source.
She frowned and stopped her walking, gazing around in confusion. She had been certain the call had come from here? slowly she lifted her gaze, the form of a woman coming to her view. She took a step back so as to get a better view. Narsha couldn?t help the snicker that bubbled forth, a smirk tugging at the corner of her mouth. It was Isardis? newest queen, his sister. She knew of the woman though not on any personal level? still seeing her up in the slanted tree tickled at her some and she had to laugh.

Thank you Shelby!