
Running [Ifrit]


03-19-2013, 01:02 PM
The salt water clung to her legs like a vice, the sand attempting to suck her down, but it held no strength against the power of Insomnia's legs. Her chest heaved with each ragged breath the dame took, muscles working against the water to careen her body forward. Her nostrils flared and moisture adorned her bodice as she fought against the pull of the ocean. Faster, harder, stronger, she forced her aching muscles to keep going. She did not know how long she had been running, with all of the emotional carnage her own mind had pulled her into she had awoken this morning with a single desire. To run.

Running freed Insomnia. The feel of the earth crunching beneath the pads of her feet, the wind whipping through her fur, her endurance and her speed were her greatest strengths and once she had began she found herself unable to stop. She had flown through the terrain with no destination or purpose just the need to move. The Deciduous forests that surrounded this place had been a blur, a landscape of whirling colors and still she had pushed herself harder.

Forest and dirt had changed to sand and water, the pulling tide only proving to be a more difficult challenge. The sun was dipping low beneath the horizon and only when she had fought through the crashing waves did she finally come to a halt. Her breath was ragged and fast. Rough and jagged. Her muscles cried their protest, quivering and shaking beneath the bulk of her flesh. She folded them beneath her, collapsing down into the sand as she fought to contain her runaway heartbeat. She had let go. She would survive this. She had too.