
Gather the Gods [MEETING]



01-17-2014, 12:37 PM

His strong limbs would simultaneously carry his large frame a few meters above the earthen floor, his audits landing straight ahead as he walks over towards songs alerted call. The small number of trees around the area would sway side to side, there branches screeching out for attention. Siarvon had taking a liking to staying around the Ludicael territories as of late, seeing it more as a home. His tail would flick once, before fixing his sights upon one woman. The one that stood out as bright as a fleeting fire; his burning desire to call her 'mine' seemed to fade away as though it where years ago, sat at the back of his mind, the small part of him seeming to never let go. Afterall who could forget the journey from the beginning to the end. It was Aria, and yet why had she returned to these lands? she made it quite clear she had no intentions of returning. A sigh would pull swiftly out of his inky lips, even if a small piece inside of him was glad for the sudden return.

He heard the news of the courtship between she and Haku; and even though it where not him- he was glad they had both found there match. His gaze would trail over towards aurora, which would soon catch his attention as her belly would be plump with a life inside of her, a smile would crease his lips, his tail wagging before venturing over towards the woman, his excitement growing by the second. " Aurora! I see you have news to tell?" A light chuckle would cascade into thin air, his green pools looking down towards her stomach once more as he would whisper softly in her ear. He had to admit, it was a surprise to see it happen so soon. And now the question would linger, who was the father Aurora had been going on about?