
Are you ready for a perfect storm


3 Years
01-17-2014, 04:39 PM
She had abandoned her family name - did that mean that she had abandoned her family? She seemed to be a part of something here, though, so he was left wondering exactly what her statement meant. "I haven't heard of them. Why 'ave you left your old name behind?" Perhaps he should pay better attention? The Armada had not touched his life, had not made themselves known to he or Sibelle - but he was unsure of them. If Miss Sibelle had thrown them away, what sort of wolves could they be? She was... kind. It was warmer than he knew how to properly respond to, but he liked it, enjoyed her questions and seemingly genuine curiosity.

When she asked about his accent, he would smile, ever softly, before parting his lips and responding. "Parlez-vous fran?ais?" He would ask, and for once, he sounded not awkward, but relaxed and sure - not in decibel, his voice was always quiet, but in tone. It would immediately vanish though, when he explained his accent properly. "Eet Ees French - my mozer spoke it fluently. My sister and I grew up knowing eet and English." His accent was thick in places, but if he continued to acquaint himself with only English speaking wolves, it would slowly fade until it was barely there in the sing-song of his voice.

The yearling would meet the woman's yellow green eyes, still somewhat shy in an inexperienced sense opposed to it being an integrated part of his personality. Yet regardless of the shyness, he felt something sharp and bright conversing with this she-wolf. It was the complete and total opposite to the gentle silence he shared in Amenti's caves alongside his sister. Aeron often wandered from place to place, but it was here on Inu Island that he would be able to say he actually found something. An interesting lupine that he hoped, unlike the others that he had run into in the past, that this would not be their only meeting. "I could teach you a bit? Perhaps a word or two you vant to know?"