
Your love is my drug



6 Years
01-20-2014, 03:19 PM

Had he known what Zaria had been planning all along, he probably wouldn't have accepted her invitation to go out and explore. He wasn't paying much attention to the girl anyways. He was more focused on actually taking in the sights, since that was the whole point of their outing. Perhaps he would run into something interesting past the borders that he could take back to his parents. He had already pretty much explored the entirety of his pack territory and there wasn't much to see at home, not after he'd explored nearly every inch. Which was why he had accepted her invitation. But he would come to regret it now, in the next few moments.

He had no idea that she had stopped following him and had wandered off to who knows where. He was much too consumed with his sight seeing. But he would soon find out as a dark figure came hurtling towards him from his left side. He would be mid-stride, head craning around, azures locking in on Zaria's figure, but it was much too late. Her slightly larger mass would come hurtling into his own, knocking the russet boy straight off his paws. Caeto would go crashing into the ground, his right shoulder digging grooves into the dirt as he slid, his head bouncing along for the ride. He hadn't even finished sliding yet and already he was boiling with rage. Once he'd stopped sliding, the young man would pick himself off, not bothering to shake himself off, allowing the dirt and debri to stick to his coat as he turned his burning azure gaze on Zaria, russet lips peeled back against his small daggers. WHY. THE. HELL. DID. YOU. DO. THAT?! His voice was a barely controlled roar, ivory and russet audits flattening against his skull, tail lashing with anger behind him. Why had she done that?!

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