
It's The Similarities That Bind Us



6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-17-2014, 10:48 PM
Sin Armada

The girl looked him over, a half smile curling tainted lips as he caught a glimpse of the surprise in her bi-colored eyes. It was an interesting combination to him, just as he was sure his pelt was an interesting sight to her. Amber gaze bore into her, his curiosity peaked. Perhaps there was a chance this encounter would go smoothly...after all, he had his most recent drives satiated for now. The femmes Arietta and Illja satisfying the male within the last few days, and his prize was waiting for him on an island where he would claim as his lair now, and for the future. " are definitely lucky, bi-colored one." A slight hint of humor would seep into his usual hard stare. He did not know her name, though he was sure he would learn it soon enough. Even so, he would call her by a name relating to her red and blue optics. It wasn't everyday he saw others with such bold colors.

The beast moved closer, head tilting slightly as he took in her form. He enjoyed studying those he came across, one never knew if he would require assistance in the future...and surely if she turned out to be an enemy, he wouldn't want to forget either. But for her sake, he hoped for once she wouldn't turn out to be an enemy. She was much to pretty to go to waste in such a manner. The girl sat as he continued his observance, and once he was done he too took a seat where he stood. The winds shifted, blowing gently the sand that covered the large expanse of beach on which they sat. A light rumble broke within his chest when the girl spoke, she was a smart one for someone so young. "You are to protect oneself from an unwanted predicament should always come first. However, there are many who seem to not grasp that concept."

And with carelessness, they meet their demise. He thought darkly, and this girl was lucky she had not been careless. Stained ears lifted forward as she made a remark about him. A deep chuckle emanating between off white teeth. "I suppose you can say that...though secrecy and concealment is my preferred approach. You do not miss much, do you? Tell me young one, what is your name and where do you hail from?"