
Wave of Sickness



10 Years
01-18-2014, 01:52 AM

The scenery was definitely breathtaking that fine spring morning. Elk and deer had returned from their migrations and eager to eat on the lush green grass. Blades of the said grass were swaying in the breeze, lazily shifting as the gusts of wind controlled them. The river that ran through the valley was definitely a sight for sore eyes if someone had been out and about in the desert. There was also a cloudless sky above the setting, which completed the scene and make the heart feel light.
Unfortunately, that was now how it was with Odette. On the fine morning that was spoken of, she was relaxing on the side of one of the rolling hills that randomly popped up across the valley. She wasn't hidden, exposed to the world that surrounded her and the potential meals that grazed around her. Reclining on her left side with her tail lazily beating against her sprawled hind legs, the ten-month-old female gazed out to the life around her without focusing. She was once again lost in her thoughts about her past, a place that she didn't like to go, but seemed to find her way back.
Odette's thoughts whirled around the memory she was playing on the beach with Galahad and Oracle. She vaguely remembered Ocena's form laying across the sand, her physical details more blurry than before. It broke Odette's heart, but she knew that the memory would probably get worse as she grew more. That broken heart wanted to wrap itself around Galahad and Oracle, for she missed them with every fiber of her being. A lone sigh escaped her and she felt tears leak beneath eyes that had closed. There was no holding them back this time, and they made lines down her cheeks as they flowed to fall on her paws. Her body began to shake from the sorrow that filled her chest and she lowered her head to her wet paws to hide her face. Even though she loved Chrysanthe and Valhalla as her home, she still missed her very first one.

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