
Wave of Sickness

Twig I


01-18-2014, 02:08 AM

She'd been following the injured cow for days. She had been with it since the moment its leg had been broken. She'd been the one to lay the trap. She'd dug a decent sized hole and then had covered it expertly with sticks grass and leaves. Then she lay in wait as the herds moved through, the older cow had not even seen it coming. She'd stepped into the hole heavily, her leg crumpling beneath her as she fell. She was resilient though, and hadn't given up, it was only a matter of time before she grew too weak for just Twig to take it down. The time was drawing near.
She would follow out into a flat open meadow, the beauty lost on the gorgeous she wolf as her eyes were only upon the wounded creature. The herd had almost completely eliminated her from the herd, she was too slow to keep up. Plus with the oddly marked she wolf babysitting not many deer would allow her close. As would watch as the doe would attempt a shot at the river. The Black girl would rush forward, her jaws snapping at its muzzle dangerously. She'd back away, but looked as though she'd try again. The creature was desperate for a drink, but Twig was even more desperate for a meal.
The would stand off as such for an hour or more, the deer trying to get around the hungry wolf with out getting too close. Eventually the exertion would prove too much for the prey animal. Her good front leg would buckle beneath her as her energy became spent. Twig had won, the deer would forfeit its life. The she wolf would skillfully break her neck and the cervid's suffering would end. The she would would release a satisfied huff and quickly take her meal. The fresh nutrient rich organs would make most of her meal. She would laze by the river and drink as she kept herself close to the carcass and ate upon in. It was in good probability that her stay near the river would last the next several days.
