
feels like the first time~



2 Years
01-18-2014, 10:57 AM

He caught it! Drashiel pranced back into the densite with a live lemming squirming in his mouth. He'd been practicing his skills on smaller game, determined to work his way up to participating in the next big pack hunt. The way the wolves moved together, flowed together like a mighty river right for their prey, filled him a yearning desire to be a part of that group.

Drashiel still had yet to decide if he would kill and eat the lemming or just play with it a bit. After all, he'd been well fed recently and he wasn't terribly hungry. Still, it was a trophy he was proud of. Maybe soon he could learn to fight! Wouldn't that be something? The mighty Drashiel! He was bound to get noticed if he was one of the most skilled fighters in Glaciem? ohhh? or most skilled hunter. Both had a nice ring to them.

"Da, it's alive!"

Drashiel's pawsteps slowed at the high-pitched squeal of delight as he tried to place the voice. Suddenly, it occurred to him. They had to be his new siblings, Sendoa's litter! Consumed with curiosity he cautiously approached the den, trying to keep his excitement in check. He'd never seen itty bitty pups before and there was one! A young male with his mothers green eyes and a dark coat chasing after two patches of light. Drashiel rolled his eyes but he couldn't help grinning all the same.

Now how to speak to the pup with his mouth full of lemming? Carefully, Drashiel set the creature down between his paws, making sure he had a decent hold on it with his right paw he turned to address his sibling. "Hey, little brother! You up for a challenge?" With a grin he lifted his paw and set the lemming skittering haphazardly to what the poor creature hoped was freedom.