
Fragmented Hope


01-18-2014, 11:22 AM
Oh and Esper if you want to use your tags don't forget to finish them. you have the beginning down but you'll need to put [/i] at the end of it so. The slash lets it know to stop applying the style.


at the beginning and at the end

Elan wondered how long she'd been out here in this heat. It was clear from her panting that she wasn't doing so well and he couldn't blame her, he was start to pant to and it was clear he was sweating heavily. Elan's coat was lighter in color but thick, wooly and matted and that didn't do to help get rid of extra heat.

The femme insisted she was fine as she stood up but Elan was sure that neither of them were as well as they could be. As she stumbled he moved in beside her so that she could lean on him for support if she needed to. "Hey take it easy, we both need to get out of this heat before we roast alive. If we move to the ridge the bank forms over there we should be able to get a bit of shade." Then maybe he could dig and see if there was any water left in this sandy pit.

"I'm Elan Rakshiel. What's yours? And, if you don't mind me asking, what are you doing out her in this place anyway?"

[Image: Elan_bot_zps953357d1.jpg]