
Make Your Move



03-19-2013, 01:52 PM

Mornings were quiet in Valhalla. Chrysanthe loved them, but there was little about her home that she hadn't with time come to enjoy. A little over a season here, and she knew that there was no place like home, no matter the wandering that she took to from time to time. Her blue eyes peeked open with the sun, glimpsing the first rays of the day's light. It was time to get up - to move, to patrol and get into whatever trouble that life would see fit for the day. She expected another simple quiet morning in her relatively new home.

What she got was Leon's call. Her cousin, the pack's current lead warrior, he really wanted to spar with her? The yearling grinned, ivory teeth peeking from behind dark lips. Tilting her head back she let out a short, somewhat rough howl back. She would love to train with him! There was nothing better than doing a bit of scrappling with family. Never did you have to worry about their intentions or where they came from like you did on the battlefield. A simple spar could quickly become a match for dominance or even something darker, deadlier when you weren't careful. She was sure that if she had stuck around and fought more with the dark stranger she had met before, that he would have tried to kill her.

She hadn't gone back to the battlefield to spar since.

Leon though, was a different story. He was someone she trusted, and so little anxiousness and much excitement bubbled up within her chest. When she found him near the heart of the territory, she barked a quick hello before launching at him, roughly nuzzling into his side. "Leon! You dare challenge your beta to a match?" She laughed, her tail wagging behind her. She was only teasing - and once they started sparring she knew that he wouldn't be easy to beat if she managed to beat him at all. Surely he was more experienced, and she honestly expected to learn more from him than actually be a challenge herself.

But that didn't mean she wouldn't take the chance to have a bit of fun.

"It's good to see you - we haven't gotten to talk much since moving in here." It was a shame, but one that they were correcting as they spoke. "So how about four rounds? Nothing too serious, but don't go too easy on me." She was younger, less experienced, but she had a bit of size on the other male. A couple of inches in height and nearly even in weight.

Table by Lutara <3