
A Game Of Sorts [Open to all pack members]


03-19-2013, 01:55 PM

Returning to camp after a successful hunt put Ocena in a good mood. The rabbit that she had just got sat comfortably in her stomach, a warm reminder that she could take care of herself. Which was a nice thought, to be sure. So Ocena was a contented female as she padded along, tail swishing easily in the air as she made a path towards the heart of Glaciem's territory.

As she drew closer, Ocena lifted her head slightly, ears pricking in the direction of a cry that rang out in the air. Asheni, she figured a moment later, the lead Healer of Glaciem. And she was shouting about . . . tag? As in the game? Curiosity stirred in Ocena's mind as she padded through the tree line, eyeing what was going on with an air of curiosity. Her gaze focused upon the massive form of none other than Gargoyle picking himself out of the snow. A smile formed on Ocena's features at the sight, her tail picking up its pace as she inhaled the comfortingly familiar scent of the male.

Her first reaction as he spoke her name was a hint of confusion, watching with her head tilted slightly as the male raced towards her, still trying to figure out what was going on. It was only when she felt the paw hook under her frame and her weight shifting so suddenly that she slipped, hitting the ground more softly than she had expected. It was only a moment later that she realized that she was pressed against Gargoyle's bulk, and that he had indeed helped break her fall. Oops.

Laughing softly, the female butted her head lightly into his side, "It seems you caught me..." Ocena paused, glancing around slightly. "But I'll have you know that you're not getting away with this." A playful tone filled her voice as she nudged the male, unwilling to get to her paws just yet. They tangle of limbs was oddly comfortable and Ocena felt heat prick at her skin, about as close to a blush as the lupine creature could get.

It was only when another Glaciem wolf made their appearance, several moments after they had tumbled together that Ocena began to disentangle herself reluctantly, rising to her paws as she spotted a wolf who looked almost similar to herself. The female was a newer joiner of Glaciem, one that Ocena hadn't spoken to, though she knew the wolf's name. Mahniya. She was a nice enough creature, so Ocena figured that she wouldn't mind being tagged.

Leaping forward, Ocena bounded up to the other female, skidding to a stop to tap the other lightly with her paw. "Tag, Mahniya!" Ocena sang out happily, racing away almost as soon as she had spoken, aiming to duck behind Gargoyle and avoid Mahniya if the female chose to try and chase her.
