
feels like the first time~


01-18-2014, 05:37 PM

Their mother would linger in the den, allowing herself this moment to see how the boys would react to the world without her hovering over them. Emerald eyes scanned the territory from where she lay, watching for any signs of danger that might befall her sons. Kyarst would be the first out of the den, running and pouncing and tripping as he went. Kuvio took a much cooler approach, choosing to linger in the shadows of the den's entrance, observing for the time being. She would not rush him, but instead gave a gentle hum of content. A boy would approach, a familiar one, though one not well known. She would raise her head an inch, stiffening slightly - but seeing he meant no harm. He released a lemming for Kyarst to chase, and she would watch him scamper after it in vain. Oh, how easily he could get tangled up in this legs of his. As he relaxed and admitted defeat another would arrive, Eulari. Another hum of approval fell from the Queen's lips. She rather liked Eulari. Kuvio seemed less sure of the two strangers, though this was a quality she wouldn't ever disapprove of. Her more reluctant son was perhaps demonstrating more common sense than his boisterous littermate. She would steal past Kuvio, allowing him to linger in the shadows. Outside the den she would take a seat, posing a question to her second born son. ?Kyarst, do you think it wise to spend time with those you do not know?? From this vantage she could note the appearance of another, S'alykrie. Ah, this was a grand day for the boys - meeting so many wolves at once. ?Come on out, Kuvio, you are among friends.? It wasn't an order, but rather a suggestion. The child would certainly be content to remain where he was, but it was time he learned a bit about socialization. Eyes of emerald would shift to search for her beloved, wondering if he knew what he was missing.
