
Pawprints in the Foreign Soil



03-19-2013, 02:35 PM


Mahniya received a meaningful, grateful glance from the ex-Alphess. Hopefully it wouldn't come to any such thing. Hopefully they'd be able to look back on Mahniya's words as unneccisary, but there was no telling now. And Crusade offered no other words. After a period of silent waiting she brushed the green grass stems with her tail and allowed her old bones a seat. This was the far south in the middle of spring and to a Glaciem it was downright hot. But Crusade had originally come from such places as this and the scent of the southern flowers and the many leaved trees.... they brought back such memories.

But memories were quickly replaced by thoughts of the present as the sounds and then the sight of a new wolf came into play. He was a tall, dashing sort of male. No older than four or five, Crusade would guess. He had the posture of a leader, and his amethyst gaze, not to mention his words backed that up. He was simple and curetous. To his question, Crusade was about to give an answer, when a young'un showed up and the male, Gerhardt, spoke again.

So they were meeting not only with the King, but with the Crowned Prince.

Crusade couldn't ask for a better start to things. Polite, formal, non-threatening. The King of these lands was being downright friendly by wolf terms. And here Crusade was being given a glimspe into the family life of the pack. Perhaps it was silly sentiment, but she was a motherly sort and it touched her heart. To the see the young pup approaching, Crusade had to turn her head, but as her good eye fixed on him it sparkled. It was clear he was pleased with the title he was introduced by and Crusade, being a relaxed sort by nature was tempted to share his grin and even chuckle at his attempt to prove himself worthy of so formal a greeting.

As it was a small, pleasant smile was played upon her muzzle as she focused her gaze once more on Gerhardt. "A pleasure, Sir- pardon me, sirs," she added with a nod also to the prince. "My own name is Crusade and my companion here is Mahniya. We are both members of the Northern pack known as Glaciem. Once the Alpha of that pack, I now have the honor of introducing myself as it's dignitary in foreign affairs." Crusade paused for a moment's breadth. It was quite a bit to process. She wanted the Alhpa's features calmly, making sure, meanwhile, to keep her own posture as calm and curt as possible. "As for what brings us here, put simply, it is the desire to know our neighbors - At best, in the hopes of making a new friend and learning of the culture of a different pack, - at worst, to at least be aware of that which makes up our surroundings." Crusade, still seated as she was, perked her ears forward, a question lingering in her remaining eye. "How does our mission strike you, Sir Gerdhardt?"

(as posting order is quite is allowed to be loose on Ala, and I'd like to keep this thread going, I'd prefer for us to just post as the muse hits :) )


~Because .G.i.v.i.n.g. U.p. was something I never learned to do~