
i got friends in low places



2 Years
01-18-2014, 07:57 PM

Perhaps it wasn't wise for him to steal away from the den and toward the sound. Perhaps it wasn't wise that he hadn't told anyone where he was going, and he hadn't bothered to invite his brother along. Perhaps it wasn't wise that he was now staring up at towering cliffs, and down at a mighty fjord. None of that mattered to the boy as his awestruck mask glanced in every direction. His eyes widened as he noted seals bobbing in and out of the surf, coming inland to relax, give birth, or do whatever was normal for seals to do. The more interesting creatures (to him) were the penguins - although he didn't know what they were called at the time. Their white on black frames were something like himself, something like his brother. They were familiar and yet so utterly unique. He found himself drifting toward one in particular, a young one - he guessed - due to its size. It was not any taller than he, and he was still relatively small, and was mostly grey/black with a white belly and a touch of gold on it's throat and where its ears should be. As he neared he slowly tucked his body toward the earth, laying down a safe distance away and presenting himself as no threat. His head twitched to the side curiously as he eyed the thing, offering a genuine greeting. ?Hi,? he would chide over the noise of the water and the barking of the seals. The thing would chirp back, opening it's beak and offering a single note. ?Hey.? It was awfully fluffy in Kyarst's opinion, almost like a wolf. The other penguins didn't look that way. ?What's your name?? Came the infamously curious words of Kyarst Armada. ?I'm Atlas.? ?Kyarst Armada,? he would reply with gusto and pride. It hadn't taken him long at all to learn that the name Armada carried weight in this world. Atlas would waddle toward Kyarst for a few steps, before diving forward onto his belly and sliding the rest of the way. Soon, the tiny wolf pup found himself nose to beak with an emperor penguin. ?Friends?? The question was hardly necessary. ?Sure!? Atlas flapped his wings and gave a chirp of approval. Kyarst raised his rump into the air, front-half still lowered, and proceeded to wiggle his behind playfully. When Atlas didn't respond, Kyarst twitched his head, blinking twice before questioning the bird. ?Don't you know how to play?? ?Not like that,? Atlas would reply. The pup lowered his hind end and breathed out a 'humph' of uncertainty.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.