
The Cross Cloaked in Mists

Twig I


01-18-2014, 08:37 PM
.ooc. lolol Thanks for putting up with her for so long, I know it's hard to rp with a wolf who doesn't like to talk to other wolves. xD

Instead of giving her his own name he would sigh as he took a look at the mark that sat upon her shoulder. It was not that she had wanted his name in the first place, but she found it odd that a man who had been so keen upon 'not being strangers' that he would with hold his own calling. Her head would tilt slightly as her narrowed royal purple gaze took him in. He would study her mark, as though it were not the oddity that it was. That it need memorization. His words though would direct her to a new level all together. Was he really just the immature brute she had first thought of him?
"Does it have to look exactly like that?" She didn't know if she should be infuriated or overwhelmed with joy at the question he would answer back. Was it that he had seen a marking similar and was making sure he was correct in thinking them the same? Or did he have the brain of a rock and would just draw out her annoyance? In either case, she would drag herself to answer him. She'd snort again, hoping he realized how irritating she found him, "No, of course not. My family.." She would catch herself as she allowed him information she had not originally planned to reveal. She would sigh and continue, The crosses are almost always varied." Her brows would furrow as she tried to ignore her mishap. And she would hope that he would not pick up on her mistake and draw out their conversation any longer.

I can talk!