
Fragmented Hope


01-18-2014, 09:27 PM

Elan was relieved that at least the sun was starting its downward turn? but it would still be hours before sunset and they couldn't wait that long. He started moving forward for the little patch of shade, his steps slow but certain to make sure he didn't accidentally cause the fae to fall. As she leaned against him he could feel her warmth. Goodness, how long had she been out here?

The femme introduced herself as Esperanza and as she moved she started to walk unassisted. Elan wanted to give her space but at the same time he didn't want her to fall so he kept stubbornly close by her side. She explained that she was just trying to find a home since being left on her own. Suddenly, she collapsed. Elan realized that maybe he shouldn't be asking her all these questions.

"Come on Esperanza, just a little ways further and you'll be out of the sun!" Elan stood near the fae at an angle, using his body to block the sun and offer her some shade. If only there was prey of some kind, that would be one source of water, but the wolf imagined any other creatures were snug safe in their dens until nightfall. "I understand though? I've been wandering for quite some time myself. I don't know if I want to join a pack, but I do feel like I've been searching for something. I just don't know what."

[Image: Elan_bot_zps953357d1.jpg]