
The Cross Cloaked in Mists

Twig I


01-18-2014, 10:54 PM

It wasn't that she thought him a lesser creature out right, maybe deep down she felt that way. She was one who was so distrustful of those around her she just could not let her walls come down. She was a big ball of anti social thorns and she liked it that way. This brute just had no idea how much she didn't like having to spend time with those she did not know. She had never given the chance to anyone to prove themselves. His eyes would contain themselves upon her shoulder until her slip up. She would see as his gaze travelled from her marking to her royal colored eyes. She had a feeling she had not fooled him on that account.

She would keep her cold optics trained on his own crimson gaze his next words threatening to bring a gasp from her own lips. "I may have seen such a creature. Tell me, why are you so intent on finding this wolf?" Could he have really seen one of them? How long ago could it have been? Was this truly a break that she'd been searching for? Her reward for putting up with this guy for so long? It was obvious in her softened eyes that she was interested, but that was all she would give him. Twig was unsure if she wanted to divulge anymore information, either he'd seen one of her family members or he hadn't. He didn't need to know who she was searching for to tell her if he'd seen anyone marked like her.
She would hold back another growl that threatened to break through, she didn't wish to divulge anymore of her personal information to him. She didn't even know his name! But he seemed willing to search for the information she needed. Maybe he'd be some use after all. It would end up that she would growl anyway, mostly out of personal frustration, but it seemed his wish would be granted. "I will certainly not be divulging that information to someone I don't even know the name of. So, sir wont-give-me-a-straight-answer what do they call you?"
