
Cherry Blossom Lips

Twig I


01-19-2014, 01:41 PM

Slate colored paws would carry the woman eastward, she had explored much of the western region to no avail. The Black family held no trace there and so she would continue on her treck, searching for those she needed the most. Her travels would brig her into an old human orchard. The trees were quite overgrown, but as the blossoms began to bloom and the trees would bear their fruit it was beautiful. Violet gaze would take in the sun stained petals as she moved slowly under the canopy. The heady scent of pollen and flowers filled the air with a thick scent, and Twig could not smell anything else.

This would alarm her slightly as she continued through the wood, she would have a more difficult time being aware of those around her. It seemed sound would be her greatest ally in these woods. She would sigh as her feet continued on, her gaze watching the gentle sway of the fruit trees branches in the soft breeze. It was a gorgeous spring day the bright rays of sun would wiggle through the leaves to rest upon the lady's back. A yawn would encompass her as fatigue brought itself upon her.
She would pad just a little further to a particularly large tree, under its roots a soft bed of grass would call out to the she wolf as her tired body told her to rest. The pull of sleep would distract her from the other senses of her body and before she knew it the earth had swallowed her up. A loud wail would leave her lips as she fell into a shallow hole, a growl following up as she realized her folly. It was not so deep she would have trouble ejecting herself but as she pushed up on her libs a sharp pain would hit her right ankle. Gasping from the pain she would fall back into the dirt, royal purple gaze would find the erring foot. It did not look broken, but she could feel the pain begin to intensify. She would need to get herself out of the hole before it got much worse.
