
Never Bow Down

Loki 1


6 Years
01-19-2014, 01:50 PM

Loki might profess to be disgusted by the uncivilized nature of fighting, but with battle eminent a fire woke in his blood, a fire that burned in his acid green eyes with a strange light. A grin of anticipation bared his teeth as the female set herself to spring. His ears pinned back, his eyes narrowed to protect them from slashing teeth and claws. His silky fur bristled, an added layer of protection and misdirection should teeth try to find their way to his scruff. His weight gathered in a crouch, ready to move in any direction. Left, right, over, or...

Even as she sprang forward, so too did Loki make his move. Still in a crouch, he threw himself forward, claws digging into the soil to give more power to his motion. Even as he sprang forward, he dropped, letting inertia carry him as he slid on the blood-soaked ground, hoping to slide right under his opponent. The woman's bite would not land where intended, for his leg was no longer there, but the dark wolf would not escape unscathed. His leg was not there, but his body still was, and the bite opened a long, shallow wound, barely a quarter inch deep but around six inches long, as the sharp teeth sliced along the top of his left shoulder blade. So too did her charge miss striking him as intended, for her shoulder had hit not his chest but overtop his far more streamlined head, sliding along it instead of knocking him off balance. He hoped that she had over-committed, that she instead would be the one stumbling from the momentum of her strike, but he didn't survive as long as he had by making assumptions about an opponent's abilities.

As he moved Loki would aim a bite toward the front of woman's right hindleg between her paw and her knee, not trying to hold but hoping to score a slashing blow. Even as his jaws snapped forward the dark god was digging his claws into the ground, gathering his weight evenly over his legs, arching his back to lead with his shoulders rather than his head, and pushing up and forward with all his strength, seeking to at least shove D?gmar off balance from below, and to therefore move past her to once more give himself room, hoping it would hit hard enough to bruise her chest or stomach.

The whole maneuver was a calculated risk that some wolves may have been uncomfortable taking, but Loki had never been one for being predictable.

Loki vs D?gmar (spar)
Round 1 of 2
