


01-19-2014, 04:26 PM
Mountains were not quite coastal cliffs but Isabella felt at home in them. It was a little colder than she would have liked but her fiery fur kept her warm, even if it made her stand out in the land. Standing out wasn't too much of a problem for her though, her small frame meant small paws, easy to control her steps as she always did, and just as easy to flee or fight better than any large wolf would do in this land.

All of that aside, this place was great for training so long as she was not too bold or too foolish. Walking thin ledges, jumping small gaps, avoiding precarious stones, all things that made one more observant. And observant she was as her icy blue eyes looked ahead before she made each carefully thought out step. Even her slow steps carried her body high as her tail waved behind her like a proud banner.

Moving on a small path along the edge of the mountain she paused as she caught the scent of anther. Lifting her head, her ears turned on her crown to pick up any sound. The wolf was one she did not know, it smelled like a male though and one who did not smell of other wolves. A loner, good the last thing she wanted was to meet someone here who would want to fight for the land. Ever cautious, she moved forward in attempt to asses the threat level of the stranger. Moving swiftly and silently she hid at a turn in the path and cautiously moved her head forward.

There was the stranger, somewhat long white fur that stood out as much as hers on a muscular frame. The male seemed to be around her age, and perhaps even her breed. After all her kind did well in mountains and valleys, but that did not mean he would be a friend. Well, it was best to know if this wolf was foe or not by talking to him, if a fight broke out she was confident she would be faster than the large male. Giving a low noise, a mix between a bark and a growl to announce her presence as she stepped around the corner. The noise was not a threatening one, but one that would let the other know she was there. "Rare is the wolf who would ascend to such heights." Her voice was a cold wind, the voice of a well trained diplomat. Eyes on the male, she waited to see how he would react and judge what turn this day would take.