
Hurricane Event Pack Signup



01-19-2014, 05:50 PM (This post was last modified: 01-20-2014, 06:21 PM by Ardent.)
Attention, attention! Each pack must provide four tributes, two male and two female, to the random event generator. These tributes will be subjected to some negative situation (randomly generated) directly affected by the hurricane and/or the ash cloud. These situations will not end a character?s life, but they may harm it or affect it in some way. These effects could be temporary (a sprained limb) or more permanent (the loss of an ear, sight in one eye, etc). Tributes are welcome to volunteer for one of the four positions. If the positions are not filled by volunteers, admins will randomly choose the remaining tributes. Tributes can be of any age.

Should you wish to torture your characters, you may request a serious injury/maim. You may not request a minor injury/maim, the dice simply have to roll in your favor for that to occur.

Tributes must have volunteered by Monday, January 20th at noon (CST) {click for CST time}. After noon the rest of the slots will be filled randomly.

May the odds be ever in your favor!

Tribute List:

1. (m)Maverick - temporary blindness
2. (m)Nako - permanently deaf in one ear
3. (f)Loccian - permanently blind in one eye
4. (f)Amalia - lost tail

1. (f)Seraphine - broken limb
2. (f)Vahva - temporary blindness
3. (m)Sephiroth - broken limb
4. (m)Rune - sprained limb

1. (f)Six - permanent breathing impairment due to inhaling a large amount of ash
2. (f)Narsha - blind in one eye
3. (m)Vereux - blind in one eye
4. (m)Kyarst - permanent breathing impairment due to inhaling a large amount of ash

1. (f)Aria - temporary illness due to stagnant water
2. (f)Satu - temporary illness due to stagnant water
3. (m)Magnus - lost toes (2), will affect balance
4. (m)Sage - temporary illness due to stagnant water

1. (f)Medusa - permanent lung/breathing issues due to breathing too much ash
2. (f)Qanik - temporary blindness
3. (m)Legolas - lost ear
4. (m)Ritsuka - temporary breathing/lung issues due to breathing too much ash

Loners ( 3 males, 3 females )
1. (m)Vicodin - deaf in one ear
2. (m)Jaeger - broken leg (will heal disfigured in some way)
3. (m)Shay - deaf in one ear
4. (f)Kodda - broken tail (will heal disfigured in some way)
5. (f)Zanire - lost paw
6. (f)Yin - temporary breathing impairment due to ash /or/ the storm (your choice)

Amenti tributes need not be accepted because they are not affected by either event.

Your wolf need not be a tribute to suffer in these events, the tributes are only chosen to ensure that each pack takes a hit.