
Unexpected Findings

Knight Cloud

01-19-2014, 09:55 PM

Damn...not here either... Claws clicked dully on the surface of the cold stone. Green eyes roaming around the cavern walls. Even here, the scent of Mercianne's daughter was absent. The last location he had known about was the North, but would she still be up here? It had been a couple seasons already, and she had yet to be found. Knight was beginning to lose hope in finding her, but he would never let that be known to Mercianne. He would press on, and he would continue to search for her no matter the costs.

He would enter deeper into the cave, green gaze reflecting the light that shone weakly off the walls. Glancing around, he doubted that he would find her within the depths. He wasn't sure what she looked like, and with her being away for so long he doubted that she would carry Mercianne's scent anymore. But still he would try. For now though, the male would rest upon the cool ground. His body weary from the never ceasing search for her. He had taken a small break from searching, and that was when her other children had suddenly arrived. He didn't mind taking care of her, he enjoyed doing it for reasons of his own. He had grown quite fond of her, and he hoped that he would see her smile more often if he could just accomplish this one thing for her...Eyes drifted closed for a moment, a brief rest from his weary mind.
