
Game Over [Spar]



6 Years
Dragon Mod
01-20-2014, 04:21 AM
Sin Armada

The male would speak, and Sin only smirked and watched as defenses slid into place. Sin was not worried about his own safety in a least not this one. Until he claimed his crown then the stained beast would remain careful of his life. For now, the need for action and blood pulsed through him as he stared at his oddly marked foe. Although he was of the same pack lines, Sin cared not for it was no concern of his. He only sought to care for himself and the rare others he so chose to use his time and energy for. But all others? He cared little if at all. But now was not the time for insignificant thoughts. Now was the time to keep his head in the game against the other brute. Amber orbs narrowed as a chuckle rolled off his tongue, "Oh...It's not my safety I'm worried about..." he murmured in a single breath, and then he would launch himself forward.

Without warning, Sin rushed towards his opponent. Previous defenses set in place. Eyes narrowed, ears flattened, teeth bared in a vicious snarl, sharpened claws digging the ground for traction as he moved forth with rapid speed, tail aligned with his spine, slightly lowered body, knees bent, head lowered slightly over his throat to protect it from the onslaught. Shoulders rolled forward, the stained scruff upon the hind of his neck coiled for added protection, hackles rising along his body, enlarging the figure of the demon standing upon the blood stained ground. A loud bark intermixed with a snarl erupting from gaping jaws as he surged towards his opponent.

Sin would try to close the distance between them in an attempt to slam his left shoulder bone hard into the upper left chest portion of Dexter's body, hopefully in an attempt to knock the wind from his opponent as well as the attempt to knock him back or down. If successful, then Sin would make his attempt in further trying to wind the brute by aiming a side swiping head butt, ready to sacrifice his own senses if only for a moment to accomplish this maneuver. As he attempted this, his limbs squared for balance whilst his left forepaw aimed to hook around Dexter's left forepaw as well, an attempt to slightly ground him, and to try and keep his opponent from moving. Tactics Sin wouldn't normally use...except, this wasn't a match for his life. A battle like that, Sin would claim no mercy and dispatch his enemy within the blink of an eye. Balance became somewhat sacrificed as he made his move, hind legs squaring further to try and keep his balance whilst his right foreleg attempted the same.

Fight Stats

Round: 1/3

Sin VS. Dexter-Practice Spar

Defenses: Eyes narrowed, ears flattened, teeth bared, sharpened claws digging the ground for traction as he moved forth with rapid speed, tail aligned with his spine, slightly lowered body, knees bent, head lowered slightly over his throat. Shoulders rolled forward, the stained scruff upon the hind of his neck coiled for added protection, hackles rising along his body, during attack, legs square and balance as much as is possible.

Attacks: Attempts to slam left shoulder into upper left chest. Attempts to aim a side swiping headbutt to left side of opponents face, then attempts to hook left forepaw around opponents left forepaw.

Injuries: N/A; First Round

Out Of Character Notes: