



01-20-2014, 12:10 PM

A thick crimson haze would mask any hope of mercy as the ebony feline perused the path of the unknown murderer. The scent was deeply embedded into his mind, and as it wafted across the kings nostrils with the evening breeze, he would switch into massacre mode. The mutts odor gradually began to mix with Glaciem's distinctive aroma, and it would only fuel his seething hatred. He had risked his hide to assist the Glaciem king's daughter in battle, and this was his thanks? A north descended mutt murdering one of his prized possessions? No longer would the monarch lay in hiding while the cherry pooch gloated behind the walls of his kingdom. Kusugra would break them and dance upon the ashes without much hesitation- but first, he would deal with victim one, the murderer.

The winding trail was gradually coming to an end, the sickening odor of the mutt pushing the feline forward at a faster pace. Suddenly a large formation would catch Kusugra's attention, and he would stare blankly at the towering wall standing a few feet onward. Gaze would trail up to the top of the wall, and suddenly he would be airborne, pushing himself upward off his powerful back legs. Claws would grip the edge as he grasped it with his front paws and proceeded to pull his frame up, finally touching the peak with all four paws. He could see a lot from up here, including the faint sight of a white figure coming toward the wall. It was apparent by the scent that this was in fact the man he had been searching for, and the feline would not reconsider flying into action upon impulse. He would inhale deeply, the mutts aroma winding through his inner pipes before exhaling a deafening roar intended to momentarily freeze his victim. This was war.