
Just Seeking Your Guidance



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-19-2013, 06:05 PM (This post was last modified: 04-11-2013, 11:18 PM by Erani.)
Curiosity pricked her ears as she slid toward the foreign call. She arrived, but hovered in the shadows, downwind. Aislyn had arrived already, and Erani flicked an ear as she observed the heavy belly the Beta sported. Her healer?s instinct clicked it?s tongue in disapproval. She had no real liking for the Beta. But the next generation was another matter. A healthy, rested mother warranted healthy, robust pups. Still, she waited in the shadows, letting Aislyn do her duty. Then she listened to the stranger?s words. She already knew she was a healer, and Seracian, by her scent carried on the wind. The herbal smell of a healer was unique, among all wolves.

Though she didn?t much enjoy the idea of being near Aislyn, bad mood or not, she stepped out of the shadows and approached. Her steps were elegant, relaxed. Indeed, her restlessness had eased off after her last, wondrous encounter with Nova. The memory that night left still made her feel warm inside. She offered the grey female a gentle smile. ?Good day, milady Loccian. I am Erani, the Lead Healer of this Pack. If I heard you correctly, you wish to be taught the more advanced levels of our Craft. Am I correct??

She turned her head aside to look at Aislyn. ?Congratulations on your pregnancy, Aislyn, but you need to rest. You?re more vulnerable when you?re like this. You are a good Beta. We don?t need to lose you before you?re ready to step down, and the more rested you are, the better chances for a successful birth and healthy pup.? Her tones were the healer?s tones. Gentle, firm, and compelling.