
Treading dangerous waters


01-20-2014, 05:05 PM
OOC- figured it was time she meet him

The girl had wandered away from home, as she often, this time heading for colder lands. She had not stopped growing, though she was still a pup, not even a year yet. Curiosity had grabbed a hold of her, and let her wander far and wide, her mother finding her more often then not and bringing her home. Paws kissed the earth, her dark form standing out against the landscape that littered with patches of snow. It was colder here, but her thick cold helped block some of it out.

Nostrils quivered, taking in a foreign scent. But she recalled a similar scent when she had met Caeto. It was pack. A pack lived in the area. And she was close. The girl would not be wavered from her decision, the little shadow would press on, pools of ice taking in her surroundings. She had no idea what she would find here, who resided her. Since most of her time was spent with her mother, the girl knew next to nothing of her father and his family history. Nor did her mother, except for the basics.

With bounds and leaps she would find her way closer to the pack, careful to not to cross the border. It was doubtful that she would be greeted by pups this time. Dark nose would press to the ground, inhaling the scent of pack. It didn't take long for her to grow bored, for her to want to return home, or perhaps seek out Caeto again. Her crown would lift, tail curled over her hips as she prepared to take one last look.

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