
We'll never be royals


01-20-2014, 05:08 PM

Though the massive titan didn't stick around with his sister much, he never really strayed far from her. There were times where he did indeed get bored of her, but at the end of the day, she was always the one that he would want to go back to. The relationship he had with his sister probably wasn't a normal one for siblings, but the beast knew no different. His sister was his fuck buddy, his lover, his partner in crime. She was essentially the one he would spend the rest of his life with, unless he somehow found another bitch exactly like her who happened to not be related to him. But that was highly doubtful. All the bitches in this land were weak, pathetic, sniveling wastes of life. They were only good for fucking and that was it. And sometimes not even that. Demyan at times was much too powerful and ended up severely injuring them before he was even done with them. Not that he really cared anyways, there was always another bitch to fuck somewhere else.

Boredom had driven the beast and his feline companion towards the north, to where the pack of the woman Abelinda lied. He still didn't care for the woman, except to maybe get a good fuck out of her, but her little pack was something interesting. He remembered the cherry man who was supposedly the king of the alleged pack and an idea had begun to form in his head as he'd circled the edges of the pack. It had been quite some time since he had a good fight and spilled some blood, so why not start from trouble with the wolves of the north? He was sure that Cataleya would love the idea, since her thirst for blood was just as hungry as his. Speaking of his lovely sister, her demanding voice would ring out into the cool morning atmosphere, summoning the beast to her. A quick glance would be spared to Nickolai, who rolled his eyes, already knowing what was bound to happen in this meeting. With a wicked grin the giant would make his way towards the sound of his sister's call, realizing that this was the same place where they had shared that...moment together all those moons ago. Nickolai was quick to find a tree to rest in, scaling it in a matter moments, perching himself on the thickest branch he could find, golden eyes trained on his companion on his sibling.

Cyan gems would fall across Cataleya's familiar silver figure, that ever present lust rushing through his veins at the sight of her. Even after having had her kids, she looked damn good. Leave it to his sister to still be fuckable after having abominations. No new spawn on the way? He would tease her, keeping his distance as he slowly paced around her, knowing that would likely want to strike at him. It was all good fun for him anyways. He loved fighting and fucking with Cataleya.

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