


01-20-2014, 07:01 PM

Before the cherry tinted man could speak, her young sibling would let her vocals spill from her throat eagerly. She was indeed the best Levader around, despite being the only one. So far this little girl was the only kind hearted of her family, which infuriated the giantess more than it should. A soft smile would play at her sharp features, garnet orbs glittering with mirth as she watched the youngster. No sooner had she fallen silent than more words would tumble from her tiny maw, receiving a light chuckle from the immense femme, rosy flanks shuddering with her amusement. "Well dearest, my name is Skadi." Frigid lyrics would murmur kindly, cranium lowering slightly, chin tilting downwards to fix cherry pools upon the child. Her second question would not receive an answer, for showing that she would be partially willing to join would be the equivalent of offering a choice cut to a starving coyote, the coyote being the King here.
Crown would lift slightly as tall rosen audits would absorb the speech of the pallid male before her. Yet another compliment left his lips, silken vocals caressing her lobes. Emotionless ruby pools would follow the movements of the male intently, listening to him continue to speak. Just as she had thought, her half sister would not be leaving this place. A growl of annoyance was easily swallowed, rising hackles flattened as she held her fiery temper in check. Eyes would narrow skeptically, fixed upon the features of her opposition. Why are you so eager to have me within your ranks? The pallid lady would ponder to herself, beating her banner upon the snowy terra once, then twice, as she pondered a way to respond. Slowly rosy lips would part, salmon tongue brushing her formidable fangs as she spoke firmly. "Give me a reason to stay." She would speak, a devilish grin curving her lips as she shook out her thick silvery tresses and fixed Isardis with a challenging stare, knowing that he wouldn't be able to resist the dare.

image by Luisiana