
Long Road Back

Twig I


01-20-2014, 08:57 PM

The marked maiden would stroll over the grassy plains, as the gentle spring breeze would tug at her long fur. Her nostrils would breathe deeply the scents that lingered. It seemed to her that this land had once held a pack. They were certainly long gone by now, and none of the stale scents would interest her. She but wanted her family, and these grassy plains were certainly not able to deliver.
Tired haunches would coil beneath her tired form as her tiara would swivel towards the slowly falling sun. Her slate covered ears would fall back as she squinted in the bright light. A snarl would overtake her features as she cursed the wind for not carrying her loved ones to her. A sigh would follow as she let the blame again rest upon her shoulders. She was not adequate enough to find them, she could not track them. She was no closer finding them today then she was two moons ago.
The sun would finally settle behind the horizon as the moon would slowly rise from the opposite side. She could feel a frustrated tear roll down her cheek as she tipped her head back. Her pearly jaws would slide open as a wail of heartache would flow from those inky lips. It was likely that it would attract just as much attention as the last, but her emotions were not so easily controlled.
