
Does This Darkness Have A Name?


01-20-2014, 09:12 PM (This post was last modified: 01-20-2014, 09:14 PM by Liberty.)

The charcoal babe would remain frozen, cerulean gaze curiously observing the odd scene before her. She often enjoyed watching others before making herself present, because through her observations she discovered that she could tell a lot about them by their behavior. Right brow would raise inquisitively as the brute said odd things to himself whilst staring into his reflection. He would then close his eyes, and Liberty would anxiously lean on the edge of her seat, wondering what he would do next. Lilac gaze would snap open, and again he would voice bizarre sentences. Though she could barley understand his words she could sense the emotional strain he was feeling.

She would swiftly rise to a stance and gracefully stride toward him, her balletic and nimble movements matched by none so far. She had worked extensively on her posture since birth, and it seemed as if the nymph had finally perfected it. She wanted to investigate this brute, perhaps he knew something about Valhalla's whereabouts. She would halt a few dozen feet away from the stranger, her head dipping low as her nostrils flared, lungs filling as she inhaled his scent. He did not smell of any packs, perhaps he was a loner? She would ponder the thought for a moment before lifting her head back up, her nose lifting to the air as she batted long lashes in protest. Well? Was he going to introduce himself?
