
Shatter The Stars


01-21-2014, 05:23 AM

The yearling had taken an interest to the battlefield, he was often found on it's edges watching others spar and fight, watching their movements in the shadows. Living his life in the shadows, that was whom the friendly yearling had become. He wasn't a complainer. He hadn't made the first effort to make friends, though he wondered what it was like to run with his pack, and actually participate. He had become quite the lanky creature, his body shooting from puppy height to the half grown state he found himself in, though he was thin he was muscular, as he spent a lot of time on his own exploring and learning the lands.

Today the battlefield appeared quiet, and he watched with vague interest from the helm of the shadows as a wolf entered the field, a flying shadow above her. A companion perhaps? He would watch her halt, and stand there, his one seeing eye curious as he looked out at her. It seemed no one was approaching. From here, he couldn't tell if she had any affiliation, and he slowly rose to his paws after a few more moments of observing her. Stepping from the shadows, he moved easily from the shadows and slowly approached her.

As he moved, she howled, calling him forward, and he sped up, his long legs covering the ground easily. Slowing as he neared her, his tail wagged behind him, completely friendly, he would halt some feet from her. Then he smelt it, Valhalla. His eyes widened slightly, but he brought a kind smile to his face, she seemed young, perhaps she wasn't so rivalry bound? "Hello!" He would greet with a light woof, and then go on to introduce himself. "I'm Seth of Glaciem.. I can tell you're from Valhalla, but I haven't met many other wolves. What's your name?" He would ask in a friendly tone, curious, as he watched her, glancing up at the bird that was still flying.
