
You fit like a glove


01-21-2014, 08:06 AM

The boy was definitely doing fine if this was his first social meeting outside of his family. Giving Vahva a chance to let him know that everything would be fine. After all, he was polite, curious, all the things that would keep him out of trouble. For now anyway, with others. The blue maned woman giggled slightly to him saying his name and if he did it correctly or not. "Yes that's one way of going about it. It's nice to meet you Kismet, my name is Vahva." She dipped her head politely before sitting up. He was so much smaller obviously for his age. She had no doubts that he would grow up strong though.
"I'm a friend of your mothers. Is this your first time this far away from the den?" Vahva asked curious. She had a litter of her own pups, but that was another story. These were Azalea's children, but that girl was like a sister to her. As all Adravandi's were, after all being born in Valhalla and not having connected with them as much was a regret. But she still could say up to this day she had seen glimpses of Cairo when she was younger speaking with her mother. The lead healer, whom inspired the woman to be so confident. The memories were sweet and bitter ones all the same she held them precious.
