


01-21-2014, 12:08 PM

He awoke to the sound of howling winds, of churning skies, and of sizzling bolts of lightning. There had never been a storm like it before, never one so bent on ruining everything in its path. A howl rang out from his lips, as he slipped from his den. The others had to be notified, had to get away somehow. The Infante would tip his head back again, letting loose another howl. By some miracle he was fairly sure the second was heard, the first had been most likely lost to the wind. His fur was whipped this way and that as he fought to keep his balance, the storm churning and growling all around him. There was not a wolf in sight, though it was midday in the Range and everyone should be out and about. Epiphron, the children, they all must have gone by now, for the den was strangely empty. Panic struck the russet being as he shifted into hyperdrive - dashing for the center of the Range. The machinery shed came into view, shaking and quivering as if afraid of the storm bearing down on it. Bravely he would dash inside, ?Hello?!? If anyone was inside they would have to leave immediately. The walls seemed ready to buckle at any moment. Nostrils flared, but no scent came to him save for the debris and dust the storm had kicked up. ?We've got to go!? He would roar over the deafening noise of the storm. He wouldn't wait any longer though, the barn would likely be at risk as well. He slipped from the shed, finding his way - by no less than a miracle - to the barn. Maverick would stumble into the entrance, ?Loccian, everyone... get out!? He bellowed for them, commanding even the Queen to flee what probably felt like a safe place to be. It was a wood and steel deathtrap - and he knew it. The walls quaked around him, a rickety two-by-four flew in his direction. Instantaneously he would duck, calling out for them again, ?Quickly!? There was a sickening crack of the two-by-four smashing to bits somewhere in the distance as he rounded back and out of the barn. His sides heaved with fear as adrenaline coursed through his veins. He had to find his family.

All hell had broken loose.
