
Gather the Gods [MEETING]


01-21-2014, 12:20 PM

When the howl sounded to summon the pack to a meeting, the fire furred giantess was far from the pack lands, in the Serpent Plains, her current favourite place in Alacritis. Large audits captured the sound of her Alphess' call, and long legs began bounding towards the mangrove. Tea cupped paws struck down on the terra with an ungodly noise as she hauled ass to the meeting, so very far away. Salmon tongue hung from her delicate, ebony stained muzzle as she panted. Soon the trees greeted her in the distance, and she picked up her pace even further. Cantering across the bed of the mangrove, since running on the roots was not smart at this pace. A trail of glowing waters was left in her wake, but she had no time to feel awe over the beauty, she was running late. As the clearing, filled with wolves already, came into view, the dame's voice fell from her dark maw. "I'm here! Sorry I'm late!" The woman barked, smiling sheepishly at the Alphess before turning her apologetic violet gaze upon the gathered wolves for a moment. Seating herself amid the group, she still stuck out horribly, being so tall and brightly coloured. Tall, ivory lined audits turned and shoved themselves forward to capture the words of the Oracle.
