


01-21-2014, 04:26 PM

The day was nice, Finiarel had gone out for a day of exploration while his mother and other siblings left to do other things. The boy now distracted with chasing a butterfly did not realize the coming danger. As he chased, the sky grew darker and within moments chaos broke loose. A flash of lightning broke the silence, causing him to freeze in his tracks. Wide neon green eyes looked up to the darkened sky, lightning bellowing from it once again. Winds picked up, tugging at him and blowing leaves all around him. Feeling scared, he turned his course back to their den. Hoping his father would be there. His heart quickened in pace as he raced home, the thunder and lightning booming overhead causing him to flinch away. At one point, he stopped under a log to hide as the winds howled loudly in his ears, but he knew he had to keep going. As brave as he always tried to be, this force upon natured was beginning to terrify him. And he wanted nothing more then to hide in the warm comforting fur of his mother and father.

Whimpering, he hesitantly would flee from the log, racing towards the barn and barely avoiding, the branches that would suddenly break free from the trees. At last, he could see the large structure of the barn, but was unsure as to where exactly his family was. Racing towards the den first, he peered inside to see it empty...but a familiar scent he would follow. Eyes darted from the ground to the sky as he slunk along, hoping the flashes of light wouldn't hurt him. He had never seen lightning and thunder, or weather like this for that matter.

His father's trail would lead him to the shed, the boy sniffing around for his father. "Dad! Dad where are you?!" Ears flattened against his skull, the wind howling all around him. With his body close to the ground, he would turn every which way in the hopes of seeing his father somewhere. And sure enough, he spotted him coming out of the barn. Wide eyes stared at the figure of his father, the pups limbs too frozen to move willingly. Fear had gripped him. "Dad over here!!" He cried out. Though he was sure the howling winds carried away his call despite his yelling at the top of his lungs. A creak would draw his attention behind him, followed by a lurching sound of breaking wood and ripping metal. The boy whipped around, wide eyes watching as the shed he stood next to came crumbling down. But it was too late for him to move, and as he tried to call again he became engulfed in materials of what was once a safe playing spot. The shed had fallen upon him. And he was now trapped.