
From The Ashes


01-21-2014, 07:07 PM

The black and white behemoth slumbered within her cave. She picked out a space beneath a huge tree in the mile high woods. It was earthy and warm. Though a call was heard from the major territory of Glaciem. Six opened those purple orbs. She got up and shook off some dirt with a growl of exhaustion. The woman moved from the cave and skipped onward. She had been busy meeting new people and roaming the snowy paths of Glaciem. Six met a few of the girls but the most impressive was Sendoa. The Queen. There was something about the Queen that reminded Six much of herself. It was nice, but Six doubted there would be much of a chance of gaining a better relationship. There were a lot of members within Glaciem, the Queen had no time for making friends.

Six arrived to the clearing with little flecks of snow upon her black and white pelt. There was something off about tonight. The sky was darker then usual. A strom raged and they had yet to feel the effects. Her violet eyes fell upon her Queen then skipped to her King. The pale man she had only heard of. The behemoth grinned lightly, she saw why all the girls fell for him. He was noble and had a look in his eye that could make you melt. Six looked to the little pups that followed Sendoa. Six dipped her head into a gentle bow. "My King, my Queen." She rose and sat in the middle of the clearing. She stared at her King with a gentle glisten within her orbs. "I am Six." A wink was seen from the huge girl.
