
New Beginings, Love Flowers



01-21-2014, 11:43 PM (This post was last modified: 01-21-2014, 11:43 PM by Chrysanthe.)
So she was right - and oh was she glad that she had been. A wedding would be a beautiful way to almost christen the island, and the alpha easily found herself agreeing with Imena's points. She would take in her words with care, only for her focused expression to blossom into something warmer. "You have my blessing Imena - you have only my best wishes for your family." She wasn't worried about the size of the pack. There was plenty of room on Nephilm for pups to be raised, and plenty of territory on and off of the island for the members of Valhalla to hunt on. And if that should ever change? Chrysanthe would claim more land and do her best to keep every part of it safe.

Erani had only recently returned to the island, but Chrysanthe knew that her mother would be happy to take up the honor. As for the alpha herself, she was surprised that Imena wanted for her to have such a part in her wedding - and she would graciously accept, some of her excitement leaking through. "I would be happy to - and I'm sure that Erani will as well." She only needed to be told of the honor.

At Demonio's entrance, Chrysanthe would grin at the male, moving toward him to meet him halfway as they bumped shoulders. He was one of the few friends that stuck from her time as a teenager - she was glad that he was attending the wedding. "Good day Demonio - and yes it is! Imena is getting married, Cael is a lucky man." She would say to him - and then it would seem that it was about time that others started wandering onto the shore. The alpha would issue a howl, asking for those around to come to her - but this wasn't a call for a meeting or anything that she would be running. No, this was Imena's day, and she wanted it to be special for the dark fae. She couldn't imagine why anyone would want to miss it.