
From The Ashes


01-22-2014, 07:18 AM

The child would hear the baritone song of his father from where he had been resting near their old den. Dutifully, the youth would rise to his paws, heading through the pines towards the place where the pack converged. He could scent many of the pack already there, traces of his brother and another familiar but vague scent. Stepping into the clearing curiously, he glanced around at the edge of the crowds, before stepping in between them, moving to walk towards his brother, then he would see her. Bedraggled, beaten, but he still could recognize the silvery grey of her coat, her stance. A broken whisper would leave him, words uttering into the mingling clearing. "M-Mother?" He stared at her, his amber gaze, wide, a quick glance he would give to his father.

How could this be?! She couldn't be here, she had been gone for so long he barely remembered her. A different feeling slowly replaced shock, a dark feeling boiling in his gut, fire lighting his amber eyes. hackles raising, as he stared at her, a loose cannon ready to explode in front of everyone. She had betrayed him. Left him. And she just waltzed home like nothing had happened? Went to the healer before her own children?! A low growl rumbled in his throat, a barely audible sound, and he turned his back on her pointedly, stalking to the edge of the crowd where he would wait for his father to speak to the group, fury etched in his masked face. He was pissed at her, but he was no fool. He would do nothing to disgrace himself. He was better than her.
