
From The Ashes


01-22-2014, 10:24 AM

The ivory demons call rang out just as the dual colored she wolf had finished cleaning a rabbits blood from her maw. Immediately she found her paws and began making her way to him. All the while hoping he had gotten rid of his queen. A smile crept onto her face at the thought.

Pepper couldn't help but pick the scents of the other wolves out as she came closer to the fallen tree. Isardis was the first of many, the second was Sendoa. Among the other scents she only recognized that of Liberty, who had also been a part of Valhalla at one point, Lova, Eris and Argent.

The last scent, Argent's scent, had pissed her off. The woman had left and now she was back. She had had everything when she disappeared, everything that Pepper wanted but had been unable to obtain as of yet. She had wanted to attack Argent then and still wanted to...yet she hadn't and probably wouldn't.

When she arrived her crimson and sapphire eyes went directly to the king himself. No matter how much she despised Argent and how jealous of Sendoa she was, it was him and him alone that she needed to impress. To convince that it was her he wanted and not the other two. She held herself as she had every other time Isardis was near. Her head was high, she stood up strait and every step she took toward him held grace and she looked proud.

She came as close to the king as she dared before bowing to him with a sweet smile on her maw. When standing back at her full height she still had to look up at him, but only slightly as she was still a good foot or so away. "My king, its a pleasure to see you again..." she paused for a moment, long enough for the king to give any greeting he wished. Then wanting to ignore Sendoa but knowing she couldn't, her eyes turned for only a split second to the queen "My queen" the words were spoken and had only enough respect in them to keep her in his lords good graces.

The moment her greeting was given to the queen she turned and found her place amongst the others. She hadn't even wanted to greet the queen, therefore she did not expect anything in return from the woman. She sat and wrapped her tail around herself, waiting silently to hear what the king had to say.
